Build the generate() API from source


  • cmake
  • .Net v6 (if building C#)

Clone the onnxruntime-genai repo

git clone
cd onnxruntime-genai

Install ONNX Runtime

By default, the onnxruntime-genai build expects to find the ONNX Runtime include and binaries in a folder called ort in the root directory of onnxruntime-genai. You can put the ONNX Runtime files in a different location and specify this location to the onnxruntime-genai build via the –ort_home command line argument.

Option 1: Install from release

These instructions assume you are in the onnxruntime-genai folder.


These instruction use win-x64. Replace this if you are using a different architecture.

curl -L -o
tar xvf
move onnxruntime-win-x64-1.18.0 ort 

Linux and Mac

These instruction use linux-x64-gpu. Replace this if you are using a different architecture.

curl -L -o onnxruntime-linux-x64-gpu-1.18.0.tgz
tar xvzf onnxruntime-linux-x64-gpu-1.18.0.tgz
mv onnxruntime-linux-x64-gpu-1.18.0 ort 

Option 2: Install from nightly

Download the nightly nuget package Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime from:

Extract the nuget package.

tar xvf Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.1.18.0-dev-20240322-0323-ca825cb6e6.nupkg

Copy the include and lib files into ort.

On Windows

Example is given for win-x64. Change this to your architecture if different.

copy build\native\include\onnxruntime_c_api.h ort\include
copy runtimes\win-x64\native\*.dll ort\lib

On Linux

Example is given for linux-x64. Change this to your architecture if different.

cp build/native/include/onnxruntime_c_api.h ort/include
cp build/linux-x64/native/libonnxruntime*.so* ort/lib

Option 3: Build from source

Clone the onnxruntime repo

cd ..
git clone
cd onnxruntime

Build ONNX Runtime for CPU on Windows

build.bat --build_shared_lib --skip_tests --parallel --config Release
copy include\onnxruntime\core\session\onnxruntime_c_api.h ..\onnxruntime-genai\ort\include
copy build\Windows\Release\Release\*.dll ..\onnxruntime-genai\ort\lib
copy build\Windows\Release\Release\onnxruntime.lib ..\onnxruntime-genai\ort\lib

Build ONNX Runtime for DirectML on Windows

build.bat --build_shared_lib --skip_tests --parallel --use_dml --config Release
copy include\onnxruntime\core\session\onnxruntime_c_api.h ..\onnxruntime-genai\ort\include
copy include\onnxruntime\core\providers\dml\dml_provider_factory.h ..\onnxruntime-genai\ort\include
copy build\Windows\Release\Release\*.dll ..\onnxruntime-genai\ort\lib
copy build\Windows\Release\Release\onnxruntime.lib ..\onnxruntime-genai\ort\lib

Build ONNX Runtime for CUDA on Windows

build.bat --build_shared_lib --skip_tests --parallel --use_cuda --config Release
copy include\onnxruntime\core\session\onnxruntime_c_api.h ..\onnxruntime-genai\ort\include
copy include\onnxruntime\core\providers\cuda\*.h ..\onnxruntime-genai\ort\include
copy build\Windows\Release\Release\*.dll ..\onnxruntime-genai\ort\lib
copy build\Windows\Release\Release\onnxruntime.lib ..\onnxruntime-genai\ort\lib

Build ONNX Runtime on Linux

./ --build_shared_lib --skip_tests --parallel [--use_cuda] --config Release
cp include/onnxruntime/core/session/onnxruntime_c_api.h ../onnxruntime-genai/ort/include
cp build/Linux/Release/libonnxruntime*.so* ../onnxruntime-genai/ort/lib

You may need to provide extra command line options for building with CUDA on Linux. An example full command is as follows.

./ --parallel --build_shared_lib --use_cuda --cuda_version 11.8 --cuda_home /usr/local/cuda-11.8 --cudnn_home /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ --config Release --build_wheel --skip_tests --cmake_extra_defines CMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES="80" --cmake_extra_defines CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER=/usr/local/cuda-11.8/bin/nvcc

Replace the values given above for different versions and locations of CUDA.

Build ONNX Runtime on Mac

./ --build_shared_lib --skip_tests --parallel --config Release
cp include/onnxruntime/core/session/onnxruntime_c_api.h ../onnxruntime-genai/ort/include
cp build/MacOS/Release/libonnxruntime*.dylib* ../onnxruntime-genai/ort/lib

Build the generate() API

This step assumes that you are in the root of the onnxruntime-genai repo, and you have followed the previos steps to copy the onnxruntime headers and binaries into the folder specified by , which defaults to `onnxruntime-genai/ort`.

cd ../onnxruntime-genai

Build Python API

Build for Windows CPU


Build for Windows DirectML

python --use_dml

Build on Linux


Build on Linux with CUDA

python --use_cuda

Build on Mac


Build Java API

python --build_java --config Release

Change config to Debug for debug builds.

Install the library into your application

Install Python wheel

cd build/wheel
pip install *.whl

Install .jar

Copy build/Windows/Release/src/java/build/libs/*.jar into your application.

Install Nuget package

Install C/C++ header file and library

Coming soon